Sunday, March 4, 2012

2012 Race season

The 2012 race season approches with  high hopes,
Joe and Dennis will race the 2012 season here at
Las Vegas Motorspeedway,  Joe will run the entire
season for points , Dennis will run a partial schedule
while he builds his new shop in Arizona.
Joe will drive  his Horn Industrial services ,
Titan Fabricators, m Industrial mechanical  chevorlet
monte carlo for the championship .
The InferrnoMotorsports team is rebuilding last years
wrecked super late model as a backup car and potential
road race car, the 2012 season begins april 14th .
InfernoMotorsports is seeking sponsorship for the
Lucas oil modified  that will run  a  limited schedule of
3 races in 2012 unless a sponsor  is  located.
E-mail if you would  like to
support any of our racing and get details on the cost .
You sponsorship can be as little as a  tank of  fuel
to a entire race or the season
stay tuned...